
发布时间:2022年04月10日 作者:陈和柏   阅读次数:[]

报告题⽬:Predator-prey model with Sigmoid functional response: global stability and canard explosion

报 告 ⼈:张祥教授(上海交通大学)



报告摘要:In this talk we introduce our results on dynamics of a predator-prey model with Sigmoid functional response, which is a classical biomathematical model. In one of the cases, we characterize the global dynamics of the model, including global stability, consecutive canard explosion via ralaxiation oscillation.

个⼈简历:张祥,上海交通大学特聘教授(二级教授、享受国务院特殊津贴专家)、欧洲科学与艺术院院士(自然科学组)。从事动力系统的定性、分支和可积理论的研究。主要结果发表在American J. Math., Comm. Math. Phys., J. Differential Equations, J.Functional Analysis, Physica D, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 等国际学术期刊上。目前担任中国数学会奇异摄动专业委员会主任、中国数学会理理事, 以及SCI杂志QTDS和IJBC的编委等。

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