罗马一大Angela Pistoia教授学术报告

发布时间:2022年04月05日 作者:胡烨耀   阅读次数:[]

报告题目:On the stability properties of Yamabe's problem

报告时间:2022/04/06 15:00-17:00

ZOOM会议号:936 5689 2603密码:821920

报告人:Angela Pistoia(罗马一大)

报告摘要:I will present some old and new results concerning existence and non-existence of blowing-up solutions to linear perturbations of the classical Yamabe's problem.

简介:Angela Pistoia is full professor in Sapienza University of Rome. She got her PhD in 1990 in the University of Pisa. In her career, she has been a researcher in the University of Pisa and in 1997, after she had twins, she has been an associate professor in Sapienza University of Rome. She is an expert in the analysis of bubbling phenomena in several critical nonlinear elliptic problems, such as the Yamabe equation, the Liouville equation and Keller-Segel equations. In particular, she got the first result concerning the existence of infinitely many sign changing solutions for the well known Yamabe equation on the sphere. She published almost 150 papers in high level international mathematical journals. She has a long list of collaborators. Among those, more than 10 are young researchers. She has organized more than 30 international conferences and has delivered more than 100 talks in her career.

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