报告题目:On the small-time controllability of KdV equations
Abstract: In this talk, we study the small-time local controllability problem for the KdV system on an interval with a Neumann boundary control. This has been a longstanding open problem since Rosier's pioneer work (1997). Firstly, we will briefly review some developments and challenges in controlling the KdV system on an interval, especially at critical lengths, where the linearized system exhibits an uncontrollable subspace M. I will then present our new results that resolve the remaining open cases, demonstrating that for all critical lengths--except when M is one dimensional--the system is not small-time locally controllable, relying on our newly introduced classification of critical lengths. This talk is based on a recent joint work with Shengquan Xiang.
报告人简介:牛景瑞,巴黎索邦大学博士后,博士毕业于巴黎萨克雷大学。研究方向为偏微分方程的控制理论,主要包括色散方程及其耦合方程组的控制及稳定性问题以及微局部分析、半经典分析方法在其中的应用,部分成果发表于SIAM J. Control Optim,J. Differential Equations等期刊上。