
发布时间:2024年06月17日 作者:苗存强   阅读次数:[]

报告题目:Spiky Eigenfunctions andWaveLocalization


报告时间:2024年06月18日 10:00-11:30



Waves, including electromagnetic, acoustic, and mechanical vibrations, are crucial in shaping the structure and dynamics of our world. In disordered systems, wave propagation is significantly hindered, impeding their mobility. Recent advancements in theoretical frameworks have introduced the concept of the 'localization landscape,' offering a promising approach to understanding wave localization in disordered media. This presentation will explore this innovative perspective, providing insights into localizations originating from disordered operators, and a new understanding of computing eigenpairs.


王威,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副研究员。主要研究方向包括有限元方法、特征值问题、Anderson局域化等。近年来主要以无序系统中的局域化现象为研究核心,在局域化特征函数及特征值的分析与应用、特征值的区域分解算法等领域中取得了一系列研究成果。其研究工作发表在Comm. Math. Phys.、J. Funct. Anal.、Math. Comp.、SIAM J. Numer. Anal.、SIAM J. Sci. Comput.、Phys. Rev. A等国际著名刊物。

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