
发布时间:2021年03月09日 作者:   阅读次数:[]

Title: Milnor-Witt Motive of Varieties




Abstract: The Chow-Witt group is a kind of cohomology theory of smooth varieties which encodes information of singular cohomology of both real and complex points. It admits significant applications on classifying vector bundles.

Recently, B. Calmès, F. Déglise and J. Fasel defined a kind of motivic theory representing the Chow-Witt groups, namely the Milnor-Witt motives. It's rationally equivalent to the motivic stable homotopy category defined by F. Morel. In this talk, we compute the MW-motive of projective bundles, blow-ups and Grassmannians, which give new important technical tools to study MW-motives and motivic stable homotopy category.

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